Welcome to St Nicholas

St Nicholas church • Dersingham • Norfolk

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Mission and Community

Community Support

Through St Nicholas you have access to a wide range of community and support groups.

Baby Basics

Baby Basics continues to provide essential items to support families in West Norfolk and the Health & Children’s Services Area. Find out all about Baby Basics on our dedicated page, see the link below

baby basics page

Coffee Morning

Inside St Nicholas Church on the first Friday of every month. 10.00am - 12.00noon, entry is free!

Mothers' Union

Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men, widows, singles and grandparents involved in its work. Its main aim is to support marriage and family life, especially through times of adversity. With a worldwide membership of over 4 million, the Mothers’ Union is the largest lay ministry in the world.

We present to each Baptised person a prayer book at their Christening Service in Church.

We currently have 24 members but we are always happy to have visitors at our meetings which are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 2pm in Orchard Close or as noted in the previous weeks Notice Sheet and Church Magazine. There is no obligation to join although we are always happy to have new members, but just come along and enjoy the company, listen to our speakers and have a cup of tea and a chat afterwards.

For more information please speak to the Branch Leader, Pauline Martin. Tel: 01485 544561 or Email: paulinemartin3@googlemail.com

St Nicholas Friendship Group

We are looking to increase our numbers and invite both Ladies and Gentlemen to come to our meetings which are held on the second Wednesday of each month at Orchard Close. The programme for this year is available from members of the Committee. For more information contact Erich Dreibholz on 01485 541278.

Home Study Groups

We currently have 4 Fellowship Groups meeting at various people's homes each week.

Organisations we are Supporting

MAF Flying for Life. Join us and support some of the most unreachable people on Earth. Together, we can bring help, hope and healing to isolated people in need.


OMF Overseas Missionary Fellowship. Making Jesus known in all his fullness to East Asia's billions. We’ve been sharing the good news of Jesus in East Asia for over 150 years.


Open Doors UK. Over 360 million Christians suffer persecution and discrimination. They follow Jesus, no matter the cost. With your help, we're bringing them resources and hope.

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