Abseil Update


Abseil Update – Good News!!

Thank you to all who supported, abseiled, watched, sponsored and volunteered at the St Nicholas Church tower abseil event. What a tremendous day, with over 600 people in attendance, a wonderful community atmosphere and even the weather was kind! Well done to the 53 brave abseilers, you have raised an amazing £14,400 and the work to add accessible toilets and a kitchen to the church will now be starting on the 8th of July.

Abseil 2024

What a great day we had!

Over 50 brave folk took the plunge and abseiled down the tower at St Nick’s.

We were blessed with perfect weather and many came along to cheer on our volunteers, mingle and enjoy yummy refreshments while watching.

Many thanks to all those who spent so much time and energy organising the event and helping it all to run smoothly on the day – and of course all of our intrepid abseilers!

As well as a great day it has also gone a long way to raising the funds we need to add accessible toilets and a kitchen to the church building.

Please visit our Just Giving page if you’d like to make a donation


Flower Festival 2023

Thank you for the Music

Our Flower Festival this year was greatly enjoyed by many visitors. A big Thank You to all those that organised and volunteered to help